
SEM 2011 Fantasy Baseball

It is that time of year again- baseball!  I love the spring and beginning of a new baseball year. Yeah, my beloved Mets might sink but hope springs eternal! LOL Well we are doing our annual SEM Fantasy Yahoo Baseball league, so if there are any die hard baseball SEMers …

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Sports Minute From LocalBizBits

Well just a quick sports update.  It is the half way point in the SEM2010 fantasy baseball season. It has been very fun and a close race so far.  Here is where we stand: 1. Canseco Link Juice  (Gib Olander) 2. Pilgrims (Tim Dineen) 3. Dial9 4LongDistance (Steven  Meyers) 4. …

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Just when I thought it was safe…

Yes I am still alive. Yes I have not been very active here. Yes I am a loser! 🙂 What is going on? In general the economy.  The economy is hitting different sectors, locations, etc differently. From what I have seen, here in Augusta GA, a small market, businesses are …

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Play Ball

Well tomorrow, baseball season begins. I am a lifelong baseball fan. I have been amazed how I can remember team lineups, batting averages, etc from years gone by but I can’t remember what we had for dinner yesterday. LOL For the past 3 seasons, I have run a fantasy baseball …

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Some Fun Stuff

Hope everyone is doing well. Am working on some new postings, even though you have not seen them yet. 🙂 As I have done the last few years, I am having a fantasy baseball league for my associates in the search engine marketing field. If you are interested in joining, …

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Happy Thanksgiving

Just want to wish all of our US readers a happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. Despite all of the difficulties, we have a lot to be thankful for. 🙂

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SEM 09 Final Results

Hope everyone is well. Yes I am still around- got too much on my plate now. Got lots of post ideas to work on.. Well if you remember, I set up a fantasy baseball league earlier in the year. Thankfully that league and the main baseball season is over. It …

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SEM09 MidSeason Report

Well we have reached the half way point in our fantasy baseball season. It has been a rough one for my NY Mets and me. LOL. Here is where we stand: 1. Dial9 4LongDistance- Steve Meyer 2. Canseco’s Link Juice – Gib Olander 3. SEO’Brien – Paul O’Brien 4. New …

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Happy July 4th

Today we celebrate the birth of our great nation. Every American needs to take a few minutes and think about what this country has accomplished over the years and the many men and women who sacrificed their lives for what it stands for.  For those currently serving, thank you. I …

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