Search Engines

News and information on local search engines, directories, and verticals

Search Engine Marketing Info 10/30/2012

Why Aren’t My Competitors Getting Whacked for Link Spam? – Penguin was undoubtedly the Google update heard round the world and the second refresh finally rolled out on October 5th. The original update came out back in April 2012 and had a major impact on the search results with …

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Search Engine Marketing Info 10/23/2012

5 Tips for Marketers to Change Bad Habits & Increase Productivity – As humans we are creatures of habit.  I may be more habitual than most as I am someone that places a lot of emphasis on control and order.  In short, I like to know what to expect. …

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Search Engine Marketing Info 10/16/2012

5 Link Building Tactics to Improve Your Local Rankings – Posted by Matt GreenThis post was originally in YouMoz, and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect …

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Search Engine Marketing Info 10/09/2012

Twitter Discovers That Details Matter In a Social World – Twitter has hired a new VP of Design in Mike Davidson. Pretty standard stuff, right? Well, there is an interesting thread to this because Davidson announced his move to Twitter on Twitter in what I suspect he figured was …

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The New Google Places Page

Well Google Places that we used to know is no longer here. If you follow the search engine news, you probably already heard it. It is pretty big news. Now local business will need to set up a Google+ account to get there pages. Also Google is using Zagat (which …

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Local Search Rankings- Info Video

Found this short video over at Google’s blog the other day. It is always nice to hear Google’s side on local search! “Local search ranking refers to the placement and order of local information on a Google or Google Maps organic search results page. There are a variety of factors …

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Backyard Buys CitySquares

This is just a quick posting to let folks know, if you have not already heard, that a new website, Backyard (BCKYRD),  a local-social site has purchased CitySquares. I was very surprised about it but, things do change quickly here online. My good friend Ben Saren of CitySquares, sent me …

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Welcome to the New Google

A ton of changes have taken place in Google recently, so this week’s, “In Case You Missed It”, is all about Google.   If you have not heard,  Google recently made changes to its local listings, so how your business is listed and what factors influence your listing are being debated. …

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Who You Gonna Call?

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Tim Tracey of Q. So Tim, lets start with the basics, what is YouGottaCall? A. is a free, web-based word-of-mouth referral service that benefits consumers, the local businesses they trust and the community. Our unique process has pending patent protection. Q. …

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