ILM 2010 In Full Swing

This week in Santa Clara CA, the BIA Kelsey group is putting on Interactive Local Media (ILM) 2010 conference. This conference is always well attended and provides a ton of great information about the local search market.  Unfortunately I was not able to attend again this year. I would love to be there for the information, networking, friends, and hopefully warm weather. LOL It is cold in Georgia right now.

Since I can’t be there and I know many of you can’t either, I am putting together this post with how we can follow all that is going on.

1. Flickr

2. Twitter: you can search the tag #ILM10 to see what folks are saying

3. Daily Review: I have setup a daily paper of the conference, which should be published each evening this week around 11 PM EST. This paper should provide a nice overview of what is being said at the conference via Twitter and blog postings. You can access all of the full articles from the online paper. (A pretty cool service.)

4. Mobile App: For the iphone and Android markets, you can download an app that provides some basics on the conference, just search for BIA Kelsey in the respective markets. I have downloaded the Android version. It is ok but I wish it could do more….take a look and let me know what you think.

5. Fellow Bloggers: There are a ton of folks blogging and commenting on ILM10. I will not list them all, but a few friends that are there:

Andrew Shotland

Seb Provencher

BIA Kelsey Blog

Over this week and probably next,  I plan on blogging various aspects of the meeting from the information I get. So make sure to stop by and see what is going on in Santa Clara!

About Larry

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