Local Findability

Andrew Shotland has a nice post I recommend you read: The Local Business Information Cloud. This post is a summary of a talk that Gib Olander from Localeze, gave at the SMX Local Search Conference about 2 weeks ago.

It is a straight forward and informative article. The “business information cloud” is basically the information you provide about your business on-line. The more you can provide, the “bigger the cloud” and thus more ways for searchers to find you.

Andrew provides a nice list of key information you need to provide.

I contacted Gib and ask him if there was anything else he wanted to add. “It looks like Andrew did an exemplary job of capturing the key points. The only thing I’d add or stress is that it is important for a business to own their findability. Adding the relevant keywords or “findability tags” to your local business content cloud can make the difference in be found or having your competition being found.”

“Own your findability”- in other words, you need to be proactive in getting listed on-line and to make sure you have a plan.

About Larry

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  1. Thanks for mentioning my presentation and for taking the time to ask my opinion. I always look forward to your next post!
